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Maoni ya mteja

Through customer feedback in surveys, emails and contact, Live Natural has improved, products like Alpha RX Plus, which is now in its second generation, Alpha Omega7.
February 2016
"I think Alpha RX Plus (now Alpha Omega 7), has improved my performance and I no longer have to rely on my prescription in order to have sex. I can now have spontaneous encounters with my new wife, without having to worry about taking my prescription (my little helper pill), an hour before any action starts. So glad I found Alpha RX Plus and will definitely keep using it". Landon-IA. 

Spring 2013
" I have a bottle of the blue pills sitting in my medicine chest. Once I got the use down, these (Alpha RX Plus) work so much better. No headache, sweating etc.. Recommend to anyone who is having a little or even a lot of trouble".

"I couldn't do anything with a woman unless I timed the blue bomb perfectly.  These (Alpha RX Plus) take you back to your youth. Just be careful at work, if your mind wonders it's just like junior high all over again". Adam S. Pennsylvania 

Why did we improve and already great, effective product? in 2020 during covid 19,
efficacy of Alpha RX Plus suffered due to a different lab personnel formulating the product. So, the original group came back and reformulated Alpha RX Plus. It was renamed Alpha Omega 7.
Live Natural (February-March 2023), Shaquil contacted customers by phone as a courtesy to gauge their success or view of our products and service. Below are some customer responses. 
Carlos C. California. -A07 “Product is wonderful”.
Tony S.-A07 “that stuff is wonderful. No complaints here.
Norm F.-A07 “Great Product”.
Steve K.-A07 “Everything’s all good”.  
Tommy G. Puerto Rico-A07 “Product is great. Everything is well. I even give it to my friends, and they love the product too”.
Michael D.-A07 & Virility Candy “no complaints”. 
THOMPSON A. Virgin Islands-A07 “no issues”.

In today's era of daily robo calls, not everyone is going to answer the phone, but we appreciate those who take time out of their day to answer our calls and respond.
Live Natural customer calls show area codes 948 or 757.

Customer feedback listening

Customer feedback listening

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Tungependa kuangazia baadhi ya maoni ambayo umetupa kwa miaka mingi.

 Customer-Derek B. 8-2022
The Omega7 is fantastic although I prefer the Alpha Rx plus name, do not know whether it is psychological, but it seemed to have an extra 'immphhh' in it. I have recommended this product to many men of all races and ethnic backgrounds. My main liking is that I am able to reach an owner of the company whenever I have a concern and get an immediate response.

Mteja Robert S.  2011

"Nilikuwa nikitafuta jibu kamili la tatizo langu la kuharibika kwa nguvu za kiume. Niliamua kujaribu Alpharxplus, nina furaha sana kwamba mbinu hii kamili haina madhara yoyote ya kutisha ambayo bidhaa kubwa za maduka ya dawa huorodhesha kwa urefu na bidhaa zao. Asante. kwa suluhisho la afya.

Charles S. Virginia. 2013

"Kama wenzi wa ndoa wa makamo wanaoshughulika na matatizo yote ya maisha ya kisasa, tuligundua kwamba urafiki ulikuwa mojawapo ya mambo ya kwanza yaliyoteseka. Wakati wakati na hisia zilipokuwa sawa, mara nyingi utendaji haukuwa, na kusababisha matatizo zaidi. katika maisha yetu. AlphaRXPlus imefanya upya cheche!"

Cornelius E. 2021

"Ndiyo, nimefurahishwa na bidhaa yako, kama vile nimekuwa tangu tuanze safari yetu ya afya. Endelea na kazi nzuri". Asante.

 David J. 2021

"matokeo bora, baada ya kuchukua bidhaa zingine hii ndio inanifanyia kazi. alpharx plus ndio bora zaidi. Asante live natural!

Brian Horne 2021

Nimekuwa nikinunua Omega 7 takriban miaka mitano .Sijakatishwa tamaa na bidhaa yako. Ninaamini unayo bora zaidi kwenye soko.

Ron, Arizona. 2013

Ndiyo, hakika inafanya kazi!  Inafanya kazi kama vile Cialis bora tu.  5mg, chukua kila siku, Cialis inagharimu takriban $350 kwa mwezi ikiwa huna bima ya dawa.  Unaweka dau kuwa mambo haya yanafanya kazi

Don, California 2014

"Mambo haya yanashtua! Mimi ni mlemavu wa miguu na nilipoteza hisia fulani chini, jambo hili hunipa msisimko asubuhi, mchana na usiku! Ninapata mshindo rahisi na kuhisi ujana tu! Ikiwa inaweza kusaidia mvulana katika hali yangu. , naweza kuwazia kijana mwenye afya njema. Nyinyi hamwezi kamwe kwenda nje ya biashara! Tafadhali! Asanteni na endeleeni na kazi hiyo nzuri!"

Kortney 2015

"Sijapata misimamo migumu na isiyotarajiwa kama hii tangu mapema miaka yangu ya 20...nimefurahishwa sana."

Steve  2016

"Kabla ya kutumia Alpha RX, ilinibidi kutumia Viagra kupata usimamo mgumu kila mara, lakini sasa sihitaji hata kutumia Viagra!"

Bill W.  Oregon. 2017

Ajabu, Siku ya 1 na kipimo changu cha kwanza! Saa 18 baadaye? Ninapata majibu yangu ya 1! 
Ilikuwa ni asubuhi na mapema wakati jambo hili la kushangaza lakini linalotambulika lilikuwa likiendelea. Kusema kweli nililala pale nikifikiria, hii ni ndoto, Ilibidi iwe? 
Hakuna ndoto niliamua, lakini hii ilikuwa nini?  Kisha mwanga ukawaka!  Niliruka kutoka kitandani na kuelekea upande wa pili wa chumba kuwasha taa halisi, na wao nilikuwa mbele ya kioo changu cha kuvaa, Na Holly Smokes!!!!!!!  Erection halisi.
KUTOKA KWANGU. Mara ya mwisho niliona kitu kama hiki ilikuwa karibu miaka 10. iliyopita. Baada ya msisimko wangu wote?  Nilijilaza na kugundua kuwa nilikuwa na masaa machache tu., mbali na kupata dozi yangu ya 2!  Na safari yangu iliyosalia iko karibu kuanza. 
FYI, ninazipata kila siku sasa (erections).
Asante Alpha RX Plus, kama msemo wa zamani unavyosema, kampuni yako ni baraka isiyoweza kutambulika.

Adrian S. New York 2012

Nimekuwa nikitumia AlpharxPlus kwa miezi miwili iliyopita na sina ila sifa kwa bidhaa yako. 
Kabla ya kutumia bidhaa yako, nilijaribu bidhaa kadhaa ambazo "zilizohakikisha" shida zangu za upungufu wa nguvu za kiume zingekuwa jambo la zamani, bila shaka. 
Kisha nikagundua bidhaa yako na shida yangu ya erectile imekuwa jambo la zamani. Bidhaa ya ajabu kweli. 
Ninakushukuru na hata zaidi, mke wangu asante.
Bado mteja mnamo 2021
Feedback on Virility Candy
Customer email regarding purchase of Virility Candy, response and thought on product use? Are you happy with the order?  "Yes, very happy"-Pastor Brown
Longtime customer: Fitz sent us feedback April 2021 saying, “I loved it immensely."
"Stephen K. Malaysia" emailed us to say Dear JR, "I tried the virility candy and gave some to my friends. This candy is very effective." 

  Customer Charles who has been with us since the beginning wrote us January 18, 2021, to say.

  “Alpha RX Plus" breathed new life into our married life ten years ago, and we’ve been faithful customers since then. I didn’t think any other natural product could ever surpass it, but Virility Candy has! Both products work well, but VC seems to have residual effects over a longer time frame. Thanks, Live Natural for another great option!”

Charles S. in Virginia.

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